
  • Once a consent case is created the required clinic and HFEA forms are automatically assigned.
  • The status of each form changes as the patient / partner completes and signs each form. There are different statuses depending on the policies clinics have assigned to each form, e.g. sign at home / sign in clinic / electronic signature / ‘wet ink’ signature. Once a form has been completed and signed by all parties it is marked as ‘completed’.

  • Exporting Forms
    • Clinic staff can Export ‘completed’ forms at any stage. Depending on the clinic configuration exported forms are stored on a secure network drive or exported to the clinic management system (e.g. IDEAs, MediTex, Baby Sentry, Custom Export, etc). 
    • Once exported the audit log is updated and clinic staff see a message that the form has already been exported. N.B. once a form has been exported it cannot be exported again.

  • Archiving a Consent Case
    • Once the consent process is complete, and depending on clinic SOPs, forms can either be exported as described above and then archived separately at the designated time; alternatively, clinic staff can just archive the case so any forms not previously exported are automatically processed. 
    • When a case is archived the final audit log is also exported along with any forms and the case moved to the Archive view.
    • See Archiving a Consent Case

Exporting Forms

  • Completed forms can be exported as and when needed, or as defined in the clinic's SOP.
  • Once exported they will not be available from the system.
  • If a new form is needed after it has been exported then it can be 're-issued' for the patient to complete again.
  • This 're-issued' form can be exported once it has been completed / signed.
  • See Re-issuing a Form

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Exporting forms which have not previously been exported

If a form has already been exported it will be unavailable for export again.

Details of who and when exported the file is shown on the export file page and in the audit trail.

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After exporting files

Form status updated and details shown:

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Audit trail updated:

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Accessing files on e-consents drive

A folder for the case number is created, and inside are folders for the patient and one for the partner (if there is one). These folders contain all the exported files.

Everytime files are exported, or the case is finally archived, the files are added to the patient / partner folder.

Remember - you can use the search feature in Windows explorer to quickly find the case or patient number.