If you have exported forms and they are not showing in IDEAs, the most likely reason is that the Patient (or partner's) ID and/or DoB don't match with those on IDEAs.

  • The patient and partner numbers must always match the number in IDEAs for all cycles
  • The case number can be different for repeat cycles, e.g. 123456-2, 123456-3
  • When forms are exported they also go to a central storage area managed by your IT help desk

The first thing to do is establish the correct DoB, from the identity document, and the patient ID number.

Check if this match on both IDEAs and FC; if they do then please raise a ticket with the Case number and we will investigate.

If the DoB and Patient number are right in FC and wrong in IDEAs (it can happen) - then make the correction(s) in IDEAs and raise a ticket with the Case number requesting which forms to re-export and we will re-run the export manually. Alternatively contact your IT help desk and ask them to find the files on their central storage.  Once located, the files will need to be manually uploaded into IDEAs.

Worst case scenario: The patient has entered their DoB wrong in FC (on the Standard Patient Questionnaire). This means it is likely the wrong DoB is on all their consent forms. If this is the case the best option is to re-issue the forms and get the patientient/partner to complete again with the correct DoB. Once all new forms have been completed and signed they can be exported to IDEAs.

N.B. If a case has been archived then contact your IT help desk and ask them to find the files on their central storage.  Once located, the files will need to be manually uploaded into IDEAs.